French Style Cod

Preparation Time: 32 minutes

Servings: 4


White wine, ½ c.

De-boned cod, 2 lbs.

Olive oil, 2 tbsps.

Stewed canned tomatoes, 14 oz.

Chopped yellow onion,

Butter, 2 tbsps.

Black pepper.

Minced garlic cloves,

Chopped parsley, 3 tbsps. .



Set a pan with oil on fire to heat over medium heat.

Stir in onion and garlic to cook for 5 minutes.

Stir in wine to cook for 1 more minute.

Mix in tomatoes to boil for 2 minutes then stir in parsley and remove from heat.

Transfer the mix into a heat proof dish that fits the air fryer.

Add fish and season it with salt and pepper then cook for 14 minutes at 3500F.

Set the fish and tomatoes mix on plates and serve.

Nutrition Values:

Calories: 231, Fat: 8, Fiber: 12, Carbs: 26, Protein: 14

Provencal food is straightforward, featuring the occasional fixings found in this area of southern France. The dishes are not fastidious but rather center around drawing out the best kinds of the nearby deliver and fish, for example, tomatoes, peppers, olives, and cod, the most famous fish in France. This way of thinking makes for a delectable dish as well as one that is snappy and simple to make.

This simple Provencal-style cod formula can be on the table inside 30 minutes. Chime peppers, olives, and tomatoes give an eruption of flavor to mellow codfish. Any mix of red, yellow, as well as green ringer peppers works fine and dandy and makes a beautiful introduction. You can likewise substitute other firm white fish, for example, halibut, grouper, or shark, for the cod. This formula is effectively split for a close supper.

Steps to Make It

1-In a saute container over medium-low warmth, heat oil; include ringer peppers, onions, and entire garlic cloves and cook until the vegetables are limp.

2-Include squashed tomatoes, olives, and flavoring. Keep cooking until garlic cloves are effectively punctured with a fork. Include a touch of water if the blend turns out to be excessively dry.

3-Raise the warmth to medium. Add the fish ​filets to the dish. Saute until cod is cooked through and pieces effectively with a fork. Season to taste with salt and pepper, whenever wanted.

4-Serve cod filets with the Provencal sauce over the top.

To give this formula a considerably progressively genuine Provencal taste, you can substitute herbes de Provence for the flavoring. This French dried herb blend can contain any number of dried herbs, from basil, fennel, thyme, marjoram, tarragon, and lavender. It is anything but difficult to cause your own mix, to particularly when you have a few dried herbs close by. When made, you can store the herbes de Provence in an impenetrable compartment alongside the remainder of your herbs and seasonings.

With herbes de Provence, you can make a wide assortment of French-propelled dishes, including Provencal tomato rice soup, halibut Provencal and even a white wine vinaigrette. Just use instead of individual herbs called for in the plans.

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